Please leave a comment for any postings that may have legal issues. I am just an ignorant, poverty stricken mom posting corruption, abuse and awareness. The corrupt take offense and have the defense to mash me like a potato. Like nature, I eventually spud again. Or not. Potato, pototah, I try.
7/23/2015 Great comment from an anonymous poster linking Judge Billings in the below story when he was an attorney in corrupt Brunswick. And this story below links Bob Temple to corrupt Belfast. And I've linked the rest. Local to State and the mess in between.
Bayside (Northport) to Belfast to Bath to Brunswick and back. Linking to family and friends placing me on the defense. Posting personal trauma's to quell the gossip and instead promotes mob mentality. What a trip. Today is the first day that I take my life back. Stronger than evah. Run Heil Hurley Run. Ditto to the rest of the thugs.
Links of Corruption- thank you internet and anonymous.
"Sorry this is happening to
you; I've reviewed your material and YouTube videos and it's apparent
that the Town of Belfast appears to know they've done wrong; and
unabated for years, it's reached the extent of malice in my opinion.
I agree; if the Town of Belfast wants to continue allowing and then adding even more deluge from newly created businesses and dumping the town's loads of snow to melt into the drainage ditch (it's important for people to know that's what it is - a ditch - and not a stream), then they should be installing the infrastructure to do so. If they don't want to build the drainage/sewer system, then the town should buy your property (and others' properties similarly affected in Seaview Terrace) at fair market value.
Seems what's occurred in Washington and Belfast - illegal actions, bullying tactics, and corruption also occur in the Town of Brunswick. One would hope these happenings are sporadic and not commonplace in the State of Maine. However, non-notification of meetings (we lost your mail...we forgot to notify you, etc.), blatant disregard of existing town ordinances, capricious enforcement of town ordinances and State law, providing disinformation, attempting to stop people from speaking at public comment times, and sending police to harass and threaten citizens sounds all too familiar. Police chiefs (namely Richard Rizzo in Brunswick) and officers carrying out the kinds of orders and requests (you've also written about) by town managers who supervise them is concerning, unethical, and illegal to say the least. (Continued)
The Town of Brunswick appears no different from these postings. There's many examples. One example: during legal proceedings/processes with the Town of Brunswick concerning lack of licensing for the business openly in operation (with an illegal junkyard to boot) that same small business owner (Bernie Coombs) openly bribed attorneys during deposition proceedings saying he'd give anyone a great deal on new lawn equipment. Oddly, none of those attorneys blinked an eye; so, it makes one wonder how often this occurs.
Another example: bullying, (including placing signs on abutter's property - and a partially decayed cow's head on a vehicle next to the abutter's property), stealing by encroachment, by Coombs and the Town (including use of police who filed false reports and illegally entered a residence beyond doors containing locks and deadbolts to threaten the residents at home; criminal trespasses, and hate crimes) were regular and unrelenting occurrences.
The small business owner, Coombs, is connected to the Town by an ex brother-in-law for the Public Works Department (Mann, who lives on the same road); taxpayer's money and public equipment have been used (and we're told it's documented that this still occurs by Mann on his property) on private properties. Mann had public works clean up the junkyard, carrying out several loads with the town's trucks. Coombs' also had town's public works (via Mann) landscaping his private property and then attempted to have them plant shrubs and trees as well, claiming he'd asked the Town (Mann) to do this because physical exertion exacerbated his heart condition.
Interestingly, Billings was one of Coombs' attorneys at the time (however, not present during the deposition mentioned). Billings, therefore, was fully aware Coombs had an illegal, large junkyard, and other illegal actions by Coombs. That said, it seems, at least Judge Billings did right in regards to Traci Hoffman's case in Washington.
However, in cases where people have connections via businesses or a number of personal affiliations, including familial relations with town staff, attorneys, and/or State officials it becomes exceedingly more difficult to prevail. Unfortunately, you (like us) are "from away", and lack those small town connections which too many only purposefully maintain to use, and often appear too willingly to exploit. Not all in Maine are like this, thankfully. There are many good Mainers and we hope that you will meet them as well in Belfast and someone there will have the integrity and guts to help you and do what's right." Anonymous
I agree; if the Town of Belfast wants to continue allowing and then adding even more deluge from newly created businesses and dumping the town's loads of snow to melt into the drainage ditch (it's important for people to know that's what it is - a ditch - and not a stream), then they should be installing the infrastructure to do so. If they don't want to build the drainage/sewer system, then the town should buy your property (and others' properties similarly affected in Seaview Terrace) at fair market value.
Seems what's occurred in Washington and Belfast - illegal actions, bullying tactics, and corruption also occur in the Town of Brunswick. One would hope these happenings are sporadic and not commonplace in the State of Maine. However, non-notification of meetings (we lost your mail...we forgot to notify you, etc.), blatant disregard of existing town ordinances, capricious enforcement of town ordinances and State law, providing disinformation, attempting to stop people from speaking at public comment times, and sending police to harass and threaten citizens sounds all too familiar. Police chiefs (namely Richard Rizzo in Brunswick) and officers carrying out the kinds of orders and requests (you've also written about) by town managers who supervise them is concerning, unethical, and illegal to say the least. (Continued)
The Town of Brunswick appears no different from these postings. There's many examples. One example: during legal proceedings/processes with the Town of Brunswick concerning lack of licensing for the business openly in operation (with an illegal junkyard to boot) that same small business owner (Bernie Coombs) openly bribed attorneys during deposition proceedings saying he'd give anyone a great deal on new lawn equipment. Oddly, none of those attorneys blinked an eye; so, it makes one wonder how often this occurs.
Another example: bullying, (including placing signs on abutter's property - and a partially decayed cow's head on a vehicle next to the abutter's property), stealing by encroachment, by Coombs and the Town (including use of police who filed false reports and illegally entered a residence beyond doors containing locks and deadbolts to threaten the residents at home; criminal trespasses, and hate crimes) were regular and unrelenting occurrences.
The small business owner, Coombs, is connected to the Town by an ex brother-in-law for the Public Works Department (Mann, who lives on the same road); taxpayer's money and public equipment have been used (and we're told it's documented that this still occurs by Mann on his property) on private properties. Mann had public works clean up the junkyard, carrying out several loads with the town's trucks. Coombs' also had town's public works (via Mann) landscaping his private property and then attempted to have them plant shrubs and trees as well, claiming he'd asked the Town (Mann) to do this because physical exertion exacerbated his heart condition.
Interestingly, Billings was one of Coombs' attorneys at the time (however, not present during the deposition mentioned). Billings, therefore, was fully aware Coombs had an illegal, large junkyard, and other illegal actions by Coombs. That said, it seems, at least Judge Billings did right in regards to Traci Hoffman's case in Washington.
However, in cases where people have connections via businesses or a number of personal affiliations, including familial relations with town staff, attorneys, and/or State officials it becomes exceedingly more difficult to prevail. Unfortunately, you (like us) are "from away", and lack those small town connections which too many only purposefully maintain to use, and often appear too willingly to exploit. Not all in Maine are like this, thankfully. There are many good Mainers and we hope that you will meet them as well in Belfast and someone there will have the integrity and guts to help you and do what's right." Anonymous
7/18/2015-Below Traci's story is my post and then my story updated today 7/18/2015. After the update on the corrupt zoning at 9 am, I checked the Bangor Daily News and found a new article promoting the new zoning in Belfast...poleez....
Stephen Betts | BDN
Traci Hofmann fought the town of Washington for nearly two years before winning in court over the town's claim that her property negatively affected the scenic view.
Town chastised for suing resident over ‘scenic’ land-use violation
By Stephen Betts, BDN Staff
Posted July 15, 2015, at 5:48 p.m.
Last modified July 15, 2015, at 7:47 p.m.
Last modified July 15, 2015, at 7:47 p.m.
WASHINGTON, Maine — Traci Hoffman said she refused to be bullied by the town after it took her to court because officials said her property, among other things, negatively affected the scenic view in town.
A state judge, however, chastised the town for how it went about trying to enforce its land-use laws and ordered Washington to pay more than $10,000 to Hoffman for her legal fees and court costs.
“This is pretty unusual. Maybe it’s typical in Washington, but this is not the way it is done in most rural towns in Maine,” Justice Daniel Billings said as he ruled July 8 in favor of Hoffman after a trial in Knox County District Court.
Hoffman said she has struggled to be able to afford the costs of fighting the town but said the principle was more important than the financial expense.
“I would rather work overtime for the rest of my life than pay a bully,” Hoffman said Wednesday at her home on Waldoboro Road in Washington.
The lengthy legal battle began in December 2013. The town’s code enforcement officer, Robert Temple, sent a letter to Hoffman saying she was in violation of several municipal land-use laws. Those alleged violations involved an accumulation of debris that created a fire hazard and public health threat, which harmed the scenic view. Temple listed in his letter that there was a pile in her yard of asphalt shingles that had been taken off the roof, two boats in disrepair and assorted other materials on the ground.
The code officer also claimed she had a couple of sheds in the back yard that were too close to the neighbor’s boundary line.
Hoffman called the town office the day after she got the letter and was told she had to talk to the code officer. Hoffman called Temple, who told her he could only meet with her late Wednesday afternoons, when he was at the town office. Hoffman’s job as a certified residential medication aide, however, conflicted with that schedule.
Unable to meet with Temple, she wrote a letter to the selectmen asking to discuss the complaint.
The next response Hoffman got was the filing of the court complaint by the town.
Hoffman’s attorney Patrick Mellor said that instead of engaging in a dialogue with his client, the town “crashed forward like a bull in a china closet,” forcing his client to spend money she could not afford.
Billings agreed, saying there are consequences to actions and the consequence for the town is that it will pay Hoffman’s legal and court expenses. Those costs total $10,281.
During the lengthy court proceedings over the last year and a half, there have been numerous hearings to address motions in the case. In that time, Hoffman and Mellor were able to show Temple eyeballed the distances from the sheds to the neighbor’s boundary line but had not actually taken measurements. When the distances were measured, it was determined the sheds met the setback requirements, according to court documents.
In addition, it was determined the shingles had been stored in the yard immediately after the roof work had been done and had frozen to the ground when winter arrived. They were removed the next spring. In regard to the two boats in disrepair, Hoffman told the court that one was operational and her husband, who was not named in the lawsuit, used it to go clamming. He was working to repair the other boat, she said.
By the time the case went to trial last week, the only remaining claim was that the property was in violation of the scenic view section of the town’s land-use ordinances. Billings ruled this section of the town ordinances was unconstitutionally vague because it included no standards for residents to be able to determine whether they were in violation.
Billings said at last week’s trial that most towns would have had someone knock on the homeowner’s door to talk about what it considered violations.
Attorney Frederick Newcomb III, who represents Washington, agreed Wednesday that the town could have handled it differently.
“Hindsight is 20-20,” Newcomb said.
The town attorney said tense situations often can develop when a code officer goes alone to the home of a resident, and that is why Temple did not go and meet with Hoffman before sending the letter and the town proceeded with the court action.
He said, however, the town could approach such a situation better in the future.
Mellor said in court it was not unusual for Washington to act that way toward its residents, saying they have taken multiple people to court for land-use violations.
Newcomb said Wednesday the town enforces its land-use laws. The town takes more land-use enforcement actions, he maintained, because Washington has more gravel pits per capita than nearly any other town in the state, and they are regulated by a municipal mining ordinance.
“We don’t want to deny anyone their livelihood but we have to protect the environment,” Newcomb said.
He said the town won its other land-use cases and understands the judge’s ruling that the scenic ordinance is too vague.
Belfast City Hall and the community players are of the same corrupt threads. Implicating the community is their forte', committee's and perks. Bob Temple was a Belfast City Hall employee that probably bashed ego's with prior Mayor and current City Council Mike Hurley. Hurley protects the City Manager, Planner, Code Officer Office and Police Chief from a woman exposing corruption, bullying and intimidation tactics off the charts.
For 5 years they have tried to force me into their legal arena for trying to save my home, neighborhood and community. Beating on a below poverty Mom thanks to them. Robbing me and my children of our home and basic rights. They can't get me into court or jail... but they keep trying. Horrible. I am pretty sure I am the most hated woman in Belfast.
Women with principles are the true threat to corruption. Mike Hurley brags in the Pen Bay pilot with his rail trail property that he does not have principles as he promotes the rail trail and joins the lawsuit by abutters against the rail trail. Jay Davis in 2012, the Chair of the Restorative Justice Program told me that protesting Belfast City Hall corruption in public is not how things are done around here. I need to go see Mike Hurley. Over 50 City Council meetings later, Hurley orders that only I get a 3 minute timer to speak because I dominate with truth. Police have been stationed in the meetings for me. Chief McFadden and Officer Ward cross ethics with intimidating private conversations with me. Using my children. City Attorney Bill Kelly has sent me several intimidating letters. Public Works targets my property with water and snow. FOIA is a joke. More torture and extortion. I am in danger every moment. Hit me with your best shot bullies. I dodge and weave.
Mainer's saved Jersey Girl @ 8 years old in 1969 when we pulled into Colonial Gables, Belfast, Maine taking the coastal route home from the World's Fair in Canada. Dad was a Navy man and saw the boats bobbing across the Bay. He followed the road to the boats (blue collar- self employed welder, exit 9 NJ) into Bayside. Saw a cottage for sale on Broadway $3700 fully furnished (The old sailing instructor cottage, Mr. Downs). Dad and Mom took a banker out for a liquid lunch, got the loan and we were in that week.
It is sick what the greedy have done to this state. Saw easy pickings and implicated their web. I never got dirty. Many locals know me well and join in on the bullying or look the other way. They are implicated or in fear of the abuse launched on me.
The Ladies of Principle, we need to stand up to all the bullies together. Time for a new blog... Traci for President. Any ladies interested- contact me through my blogs or email
Traci, thank you. You are my kind of people.
With Great Respect,
Laurie Auntiebully Allen
7/18/15 What a world it would be if everyone held their family accountable and never enabled them to become sick, powerful adults. I have spent my entire live doing just that. At 54, it is epic. Warning, I expose family corruption and take a beating for it. Especially by the judgement of the public. It's all connected. After handling all the fallout of alcoholism and greed with my siblings to close that chapter for good, I had to divorce the same as my brother kept bringing him back into my life. I almost got away in 1985, brother George brought him back in. I was in hiding in Bayside after fleeing from NJ. No phones, no contact, making the break. George and my mom were in Bayside for the summer. I was working full time in NJ. They invited him to Bayside and didn't tell me. I walked into the cottage and he was sitting in my living room. The 3 of them worked me over for the week. Poor Joe, give him another chance, I'd be lucky to have him, stop being a bitch... he proposed to me later that week on Cadillac Mountain, Bar Harbor, Maine.
Twenty five years later, I am a shadow, he has taken my life, my friends, my family, my savings and he is getting even scarier. I am close to destitution, on welfare and falling with crashing children. One song on the radio gave me strength "So often times it happens, that we live our lives in chains and we never even know we hold the key" I'm gone, Belfast was as far away I could get with the children. Winning rarely awarded, hotly contested relocation. George never helped me, avoided me like the plague. George brought Joe back in as his drinking buddy and are teaching my children that their honorable Mother deserves no respect, and is a prime example of what happens for not wavering against all abuses and injustices. Ditto with Belfast City Hall. Ditto with the public. I have never been so fearful for my children's future in my life. It is an epidemic of corrupted, cowardly minds with the public following along. How many times can history repeat itself? Refusing to see the slaughter of rights and lives that is exploding every second... slaughter the Mom instead.
Below is my article in the BDN 2012. I had yet to uncover the true City Hall destruction to the targeted undesirables. The 45k mentioned in this article would not stop the water, that was just to stop my property from caving in. At purchase in 2010- no stream disclosed, no stream visible. Previous owner- Minister Tarpley filled it in so it looked like the same 2'x2' private property drainage ditch on the sides of my house. I called his wife Laura and asked her how she could do this to me? They knew I would not have bought this property. Everyone knew I refused all showing with ANY water issues. It was my number one concern. Laura said she was so sorry.I am sorry for her, she will always live with this because of her husband, corrupted cloth, the worst and most dangerous hypocrite. Also epic in Belfast. I reached out to all the clergy, no interest but praising compassion and peace... have another festival of fake. Keep spinning the community till their dizzy with loyalty. They refuse to see what is before their eyes. Too painful and embarrassing to see that they been duped by their "friends" in power. Easier to blame Laurie, hate Lauree, ridicule Laurie, reduce Laurie and endanger Laurie trickling down to my children. Easy prey for bullies, using the children. Story of their lives. My children. How can so many hurt them with a smile....
Original owner of my home was Puzz Caswell. Realtor and another liar. The listing and selling agent from the same agency, then Town & Country now Masiello Group owned by crook Earl Black. Agents Bill Ingersoll and Jan Andrews. I see Earl has removed his name as President. Earl tried to pay me 6.5k shut up and release. No. Principles are priceless.
I was Jan's last sale - ruining my new life for a few thousand and retiring. Property Inspector DJ Brown, China- corrupt crook crook to agencies. Maine Realtor Commission in Earl Black's back pocket. He owns a slew of agencies. Governor and State- corrupt. DEP, Attorney General, Senators, FEMA, Belfast City Hall, real estate agents, businesses, Chief McFadden, TWC tech Tom- (secretly entering homes and computers without disclosing that he is the buddy and brother-in-law to Chief McFadden- Tom was in my home and computer MANY times before I made the connection. The Chief almost fell of his chair when I figured it out when he summoned me to the station after City Council called me in as a threat in 2012) the list goes on. I tried everyone of them. Each smiling as they slammed the door in my face with "Hope I've been helpful..."
See for more. is a condensed overview from 2013, is specific to the corrupt official bullies (DEP Commissoner Aho, Belfast City Manager Slocum, Belfast City Attorney Kelly, Belfast City Planner Marshall). Covering up the slaughter (my property is the last private property in the miles of forcing- passing through many private properties, flooding and destroyting, shhhh- sell to another. Ending with me, then Waldo County General Hospital (now a MAJOR player with the stacked board of directors) to Belfast City Park and out to the bay. Clearly the plans for Seaview Terrace are for healthcare. Full denial of course, because the taking will be taking. By destroying us and taking (inverse condemnation) or 5204 taking for economic development and dictated by Belfast City Planner Wayne Marshall in his words for the overview of the Comprehensive Plan (TPP of Belfast) for the Healthcare District. Calculating zero compensation for Seaview Terrace residents. Pay us fair market value according to residential 1 without City forced slaughter and I'm already gone.
Maine Law Comprehensive Plan Contract Zoning: A Flexible Technique for Protecting Maine Municipalities
The procedure is further complicated and delayed by the statutory
requirement that “that the public shall be given and ADEQUATE
opportunity to be heard.”
Voted through in October 2014, the City website for the zoning reflects confusion. Slocum and Marshall refuse to post the final zoning for Seaview Terrace as residential- R1. Originally we were part of R2, the R2 was rezoned to R1(residential). They tried to illegally pull Seaview Terrace out of rest and put only Seaview Terrace and Wight Street into R3- Healthcare and Housing. They claim that Seaview Terrace was voted through as R1 but the "adopted" maps on the City Website do not reflect that. Nine months after the voting and numerous requests of refusal to update Seaview Terrace as R1 spells more CORRUPTION. My City Council, Mary Mortier in the 7/7/2015 CC meeting tells City Manager Joe Slocum that finding and viewing the proposed budget on the City website is difficult to find and confusing. It is already updated. The Comprehensive Plan (TPP of Belfast) with critical in town (listed as inside the bypass) zoning changes voted in by Council, specific to Seaview Terrace shows the ONLY the PROPOSED MAP with Seaview Terrace in the wrong zone (R3- Healthcare and Housing) Since the final zoning vote, (?? City Manager Joe Slocum states 9/2014, City Planner Wayne Marshall states 10/2014).
Furthermore, agenda items continue to appear stating amendments to ordinance and are voted through without discussion or details. Not all, but some. The one's they don't want the public to know about. The only way to know official documents (in this case zoning) is on the official City Website with dated maps. Slocum and Marshall recite rhetoric to delay the simple updating to reflect Seaview Terrace as R1 for 9 months now. They tell the public that do not know how to TELL me any clearer that Seaview Terrace is R1. They have lied to me in writing and verbally since I moved here in 6/2010 and give me false documents in lieu of the actual documents that I request. Then they tell the public that I am wasting there time and tax dollars, etc. Choreographed corruption to with hold public information until it is a done deal and challenges will be impossible. The City Attorney takes over from there. Strong arm stalling, billable hour after billable hour. Tax payers footing the bill for all this corruption and double whammy when they challenge the corruption. Hello. Here's the City website link to confuse. After finding Planning and Code under the header of City Government, you have to hoover and get another pop up. Look at that mess- all with 2014 (existing, future, yada, yada, yada, click this, click that, where is the flipping final zoning maps for in town residential and healthcare. Real estate listings are corrupt- agents refuse to demand updated mapping for residential and healthcare. Seaview Terrace is across the street from the hospital
Planning Board Hearings 2014-Future Plans
June 2014 Introduction to Future Land Use PlanTable of Contents - Adopted Plan
1-Introduction to Plan
2-Inside the Bypass Area-Adopted Plan
3-Near Bypass-Adopted Plan
4-Eastside Area-Adopted Plan
5-Outside Rural-Adopted Plan
After clicking on #2- it brings you to 2 maps. one stating existing (pre vote of new zones) and one stating proposed which reflects Seaview Terrace in R3!!! #2 states it is the ADOPTED PLAN.
Wight Street (prior R2) cannot legally be R3 unless those residents agreed to it. Seaview Terrace residents did not agree to it and after I produced the Maine Law Comprehensive Plan they claim they put us in with the rest- into R1. But only verbally and in email. Non-binding as they have done the same before and then claim stupidity."Ooops, my bad"... my arse. Force flooding the DEAD END, 12 single family homes on the flood plain, FLOOD ZONE A, Seaview Terrace is murderous. They do it. Illegally rezoning us in preparation for after the kill- you tell me. Seaview Terrace is not an URBAN neighborhood as City Planner Marshall spins his web below...
Can you even begin to imagine the terror of all this corruption. I had just escaped hell and thought we made it out against all odds. To begin again with the last I had left, meticulously planned. One mistake and I'm done. I did it all alone when we were barely holding on, crawling to safety and privacy to heal with my children and begin again with the rights of the Constitution ... But per Jay Davis, chair of the Restorative Justice in Belfast and hypocrite activist- fighting Belfast City Hall corruption is "not how things are done around here." Telling me City Council Mike Hurley makes the rules... I don't think so.
Goal: To
provide an area in which health care facilities/offices and
professional offices are recognized as a primary use, and to establish
this area near Waldo County General Hospital.
Past, Current & Future Use
Waldo County General Hospital and the many physician offices that have
developed near the Hospital are now the prime uses in this area. The
Hospital underwent a significant expansion in the late 1990’s and
continues to expand. It is one of the key reasons people, particularly
retirees, from other areas in Maine and other states choose to live to
Belfast. Other health care facilities, such as the Tall Pines
Rehabilitation Center and Mid-coast Mental Health Services are also
located in this area. The Hospital likely will remain a key part of the
City’s fabric and it is important to allow reasonable opportunities for
the development of new health care related facilities, particularly
offices for physicians who want or need to be located near the Hospital.
It is noted that these active uses generate considerably more vehicular
traffic than residences, and such traffic could adversely affect the
desirability of the area for future housing development.
While the Hospital is the primary use, housing remains a significant
type of development in the area. Sea View Terrace is a long established
urban neighborhood, and single-family residential housing remains the
predominant use on Wight Street. Publicly supported housing, such as
Penobscot Terrace, Coastal Enterprises, and Huntress Gardens, also is
located in this area. While the City believes much of the current
housing will remain, in the longer term, more of the current single
family houses likely will be converted into professional offices, and
some of the limited amount of available land may similarly be used for
offices. The City believes it is appropriate to allow new housing in the
area, and there is a limited amount of land along Wight Street to
accommodate such, but it wants current and future residents in this area
to recognize that a health care office or facility likely could become
their neighbor.
Below is one of four articles (2 by the Repbulican Journal and another on Pen Bay Pilot)
Many comments were very hurtful. Tom was concerned for me. His reporters hat off he said that I was so nice, doesn't it make me sick to keep trying, knowing the alienation and intimidation tactics I had already endured. He thought maybe if I played up to them... I told him it would make me sicker if I didn't stand up and that I'd sooner die before kissing anyone's arse.
Getting out of that abusive marriage almost killed me. Diagnosed with tortuous intestines, so twisted from mental abuse and stress, I was fading away as friends and family looked and turned away. From 2004-2012, 8 years of internal agony that my children witnessed. Therapy and meds would not stop the cause, but they would definitely be a plus for the cause to take the children. No thanks, I have all I need- the truth. That's when the bullies turn to hurt the children. Ditto in Belfast.
Most thought I had cancer as I withered away. My dad @ 56, sister(@54 and 2 brothers (65 &67) died from cancer. With one brother left, he has always resented me and has always plotted against me with a smile. We are Irish Twins. He and my abusive ex are buddies, drinking away on my old 1969 family porch on Broadway in the neighboring Bayside village. Mom gave the cottage to my brother after my Dad died in 1977. Mom didn't like my principles either.
Mom died in 1995 and my brother George set me up against my sister (executor and disaster) to oversee her robbing of the estate. Janel & I lived in our home state- NJ. George was in Maine and Donald in Alabama. George was backstabbing me all the way (as he has done my entire life) - 5 long years. I kept documenting and reporting, while cleaning out 30 years of accumulating junk and massive untrained pets, a very disgusting 5 floor house and getting it on the market. Alone. While holding the line with 2 young children and a difficult husband.
My sister's attorney was retiring in 2000. He brought it to the courts in Middlesex County, New Brunswick, NJ. I was pro se. My brother George, who begged me to oversee Janel at Mom's funeral in 1995, promising to back me up, never backed me up. My sister threatened me daily, I had to get my number unlisted. She had many problems. I always told her that I would never enable her and always love her. If she ever wanted to go to AA, I'd drive her in a heartbeat. Unbelievably, when I walked into court that day, my brother George and his wife Sheila was there. They had drove 500 miles from Skowhegan, Maine to support my sister and steal more from me. I was in shock. How could they do that? They didn't even warn me that they were coming, let alone to be supporting Janel in the last hour to get more....Even after that, I still allowed them into my family, for my children.
Janel would die with in 2 years. I was the last family to speak to her. The night she died in the hospital, I spent 6 hours talking to her. I knew she was dying. I was taking her through the fun, crazy times in our dysfunctional family. Forgiving her and loving her. No one knew that... Years later, my brother-in-law Eddie finally talked to me. George had been keeping us apart because Eddie had given George all the other things Janel stole from Mom's house including Mom's expensive pieces of jewelry.
I only got to see Eddie because he had come to Bayside. To work on his Bayside cottage- Janel had bought Sunnyside in 1972? for 15k. I waited at my old family cottage for Eddie to come back from dinner with George and Sheila (George NEVER invited me and he saw Eddie a lot) After many hours they came back. George was not happy to see me there. I started talking to Eddie with care. Asking him if we could talk things out. I love Eddie- since he began dating my sister (12 years older) when I was 5 years old. George flew into a rage. He told both of us to get our of the cottage. Eddie and I looked at each other in confusion. George kept yelling, Sheila was there. We left and went to Eddie's house and had a nice long talk. We consoled each other and forgave each other. Eddie said he was sorry that he gave all Mom's things to George and her jewelry to Sheila. We consoled each other and forgave each other. He asked me why didn't I come to Janel's memorial at their Jersey Shore home. told him I didn't know, no one invited me...
Then Eddie sold Sunnyside to Belfast player Seth Thayer. Seth kept a blog about it, saying many things that were sold with the house were stolen.... George was always taking things from Sunnyside when Janel and Eddie weren't there. Eddie always talked about it but George would charm his way out of it. George did the same with NJ. He drove down and took what he wanted. He hid it in his huge company truck (VP and General Manager of Bee Line Cable) and body of the sailboat that he was taking to Maine. The sailboat was the ONLY thing he was to take. Right. He makes big bucks too. Even when he was given the Bayside cottage (Mom and George never told me- they just did it and kept quiet about it until Janel found out years later and blew. She already had Sunnyside but she was knew it was wrong. George didn't even let me get my things out of there. All his. Janel was so upset that she told me I could stay in her cottage when I came up for vacation. She said said she would will the cottage to me... that was before George pitted me against her with Mom's small estate.
Then George did the same with my ex. Using him to keep me out of Bayside. It worked. Bayside turned on me. My children are caught in the middle. I don't make them choose. I want them to have their Dad, family and Bayside. As they get older and away from the mess, they will clearly see that I held onto principles and was forced to react against cruelty and corruption throughout my life.
One more for George to go. My brother Donald. Sure enough, in 2010 when I moved here, George began flying my dirt poor brother Donald and his wife Dell up from Alabama. My ex had been splintering our daughter for a long time and I will not share that. It is still ongoing. My brothers were fully aware but George bought Donald. As guilt does, Donald began turning on me, even though I never spoke of George's alienation of me from family and Bayside. I was over the illusion of Bayside. It was freeing actually. Bayside is almost cult like to those who come back year after year and those that own property. Live, breath and count the days until you can get to Bayside. That changed as the greed grew.
In 2013 Donald and Del came up for their last summer and did not reach out to me. My ex was in and I was out. George got it done. On 9/4/2014 Donald died in Alabama. My ex sent me a text. On Friday, 9/5/2014 I had told the school resource officer Greg Stearns. We talked about his Dad on many occasions. I know everything I say to Greg goes to City Hall. At that time, I was in heavy with City Hall as they were trying to illegally pave Seaview Terrace not according to code and ordinance. I had been working on this for 4 years. Trying to get us into the Northport Ave TIF to open up funding for the 200k to properly repave (over 20 years since last paving) Seaview Terrace with roadside sewer drainage. All summer I kept asking for information and paving dates. They took the 5th and I kept asking and documenting. Paving protocol is always giving notice to residents at least a week in advance. Usually a month. No paving notice yet for Seaview Terrace on the day of my brother's death. His funeral was on Monday, 9/8/2014 in Alabama and published. No one knew that I would not be there.
At 7:30 a.m. on 9/8/2014, I watched in horror from my window as the Public Works came storming in with heavy equipment and trucks and began the illegal goat path paving and sending more water to my private property. I still cannot believe the malice of Belfast City Hall. They are out to slaughter no matter what. The figured that I would tell of the malice at the next meeting and tried not to tape the meeting. I came armed with my own recorder and sure enough, Ned Lightner, the camera man was not taping the meeting. At the last minute he came- rumpled and grumpy- City Manager Slocum had to call him in since I was taping it myself. I was still reeling, I wasn't effective enough and I fear when I speak at meetings. The police guard is waiting to take me out... That was the last City Council meeting I spoke at. I cannot get taken out. These thugs are calculating and ruthless.
My brother George, is a huge piece of the corruption puzzle. Linking his wife's family and heavy ties to Belfast players, linking to my ex and children, linking to Seth Thayer who is on the Belfast Chamber of Commerce, Our Town Belfast, a downtown owner and player. Seth continually admonishes me publicly and privately in the downtown meetings. He is a true gossip queen and proud of it. He knows my family history well. They all know, they all use it behind the public to break me and make me look unstable. Another tactic. Exposing family corruption is imperative. It all begins at home.. This is why I am forced to expose related private traumatic family history. Many of the 1% and players in Bayside are connected to Belfast.
In 1997 I finally built my dream, a year round house in Bayside, next to the golf course, 541 Bluff Road. Away from the village pettiness but still in walking distance to all of the beauty. It was keeping me in the bad marriage. I knew my NJ to be ex would steal that from me. He did, in 2007. Trapped in NJ and near demise, 8/2009, I saw a chance in hell of getting out of hell. In 6/2010 Belfast or Bust.
The real estate agents were counting on my dangerous position to stay under all radar and accept my new hell. Belfast City Hall thought they could force my break down, with the same smiles of my brother and ex. When I held on, they enlisted the community and the Chief Of Police, Mike McFadden. The State joined forces. They all thought wrong. Today I am strong. They have created the anti-bully aka Auntiebully.
I didn't know you could post comments until after the comments were closed and a neighbor told me about them. Later that neighbor would get hired by Chief McFadden to do photo shoots. Soon after, that neighbor was flipping me the finger. That's what they do, pit neighbor's against each other. The Flooding Games.
Belfast woman fights city over drainage
Laurie Allen gestures to the stream that runs behind her house on Seaview Terrace in Belfast on Thursday, May 10, 2012. She believes the city's decisions about stormwater management have contributed to making the stream larger and more damaging to her property.
Posted May 14, 2012, at 6:41 p.m.
Last modified May 14, 2012, at 8:17 p.m.
Last modified May 14, 2012, at 8:17 p.m.
BELFAST, Maine — A woman whose backyard is bounded by a
stream she claims the city has created and increased in size remains
locked in conflict with city hall.
Laurie Allen of Seaview Terrace, a street that intersects Northport Avenue near Waldo County General Hospital, can be seen on some weekends carrying placards through the downtown that read “Belfast Bullies.” She maintains a blog on the issue and is a frequent speaker at City Council meetings, claiming the council is conspiring against her as she fights to keep her home dry and her backyard intact.
City officials maintain that the water flow, seen especially during rainy spells such as the area has experienced in the last few weeks, is part of the natural and managed drainage. Much of the city is built on a hill that pitches east to Penobscot Bay.
For Allen, the saga began last year. In June 2010, she purchased the house after a divorce, moving to Belfast from New Jersey. Last spring the stream behind her split-level ranch house filled.
“That was when it came gushing over the banks,” she said last week.
Except as far as Allen is concerned, it’s not a stream. The trench through which the water flows along her backyard was created when the flow was diverted, Allen said, when the Seaview Terrace subdivision was built in 1965. The natural drainage probably followed a course to the south of its current course, she said.
This is a point on which city officials and Allen agree. City Planner Wayne Marshall said aerial photos of the city from 1939 and 1957 show the stream, though it is likely that it was to the south of its current course.
But the city maintains that it has no responsibility to fix the problem. The subdivision, built as it was under the laws of the day, was legal and approved.
On Thursday, May 10, after a couple of days of heavy rain, Allen showed where the stream flowed, noting especially how the bank closest to her house had begun eroding. Her property line lies on the opposite bank of the stream, she said, pointing to a survey stake.
“I probably lost 4 to 5 feet of property,” she said.
Allen asserts that water has plagued the neighborhood for years, in both backyards and on the street side. Marshall confirms that in 1987, at the request of residents, the city engineer completed a report that examined the problem. It concluded the city was not on the hook for any fix.
Allen also notes that in subsequent years, major new building developments have added to runoff. They include the Captain Albert Stevens School, a townhouse development on Cedar Street, the Volunteers of America senior housing complex on Congress Street, a new hospital complex on the west side of Northport Avenue, and expansions of the Tall Pines nursing home and Mid-Coast Mental Health facility, both adjacent to Seaview Terrace.
At the top of Seaview Terrace is a culvert, about 40 inches in diameter, which feeds the trench that flows past Allen’s house. A gravel bank prevents water from flowing farther south and instead diverts it east toward the bay. Allen wants that gravel bank removed.
“I’ve asked for the full history of Seaview Terrace and the flooding,” Allen said. She said she has been stonewalled by city officials, a charge Marshall denies.
Allen said she worked behind the scenes to help city officials find a practical solution to the problem before going public with her complaints, beginning at a council meeting in November.
Some of Allen’s neighbors have grown tired of her activism, though. Bud Hand spoke at a recent council meeting asking the city to dissuade Allen from posting signs on her property complaining about her water problem.
The city’s position, said Marshall, is: “That is an active stream behind her property and it is part of a major drainage basin” for the area. When each new development in the area was built, he said, measures were taken to meet state and local regulations to hold back water from major storms.
And finally, Marshall said, the city can’t fix problems on private property.
Allen believes a fix to the water woes would cost her at least $45,000.
“If you’re not getting services from your city, where do you turn?” she asked.
I sent this message that was seen on Sat. 7/18/2015 @ 10:45 am to the Facebook Belfast Area Chamber of Commerce "Saturday 10:43am
Since the Chamber of Commerce chose to slap me in the face by awarding City Manager Joe Slocum Citizen of the Year, has forced me into a Boycott protest and constant exposure of Belfast City Hall and player corruption- perhaps The Commerce should go fund me out of here- 250k takes all of 17 Seaview Perish. Or I continue exposure, I will never sell hell to another.
Ladies Of Principle
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Laurie Allen of Seaview Terrace, a street that intersects Northport Avenue near Waldo County General Hospital, can be seen on some weekends carrying placards through the downtown that read “Belfast Bullies.” She maintains a blog on the issue and is a frequent speaker at City Council meetings, claiming the council is conspiring against her as she fights to keep her home dry and her backyard intact.
City officials maintain that the water flow, seen especially during rainy spells such as the area has experienced in the last few weeks, is part of the natural and managed drainage. Much of the city is built on a hill that pitches east to Penobscot Bay.
For Allen, the saga began last year. In June 2010, she purchased the house after a divorce, moving to Belfast from New Jersey. Last spring the stream behind her split-level ranch house filled.
“That was when it came gushing over the banks,” she said last week.
Except as far as Allen is concerned, it’s not a stream. The trench through which the water flows along her backyard was created when the flow was diverted, Allen said, when the Seaview Terrace subdivision was built in 1965. The natural drainage probably followed a course to the south of its current course, she said.
This is a point on which city officials and Allen agree. City Planner Wayne Marshall said aerial photos of the city from 1939 and 1957 show the stream, though it is likely that it was to the south of its current course.
But the city maintains that it has no responsibility to fix the problem. The subdivision, built as it was under the laws of the day, was legal and approved.
On Thursday, May 10, after a couple of days of heavy rain, Allen showed where the stream flowed, noting especially how the bank closest to her house had begun eroding. Her property line lies on the opposite bank of the stream, she said, pointing to a survey stake.
“I probably lost 4 to 5 feet of property,” she said.
Allen asserts that water has plagued the neighborhood for years, in both backyards and on the street side. Marshall confirms that in 1987, at the request of residents, the city engineer completed a report that examined the problem. It concluded the city was not on the hook for any fix.
Allen also notes that in subsequent years, major new building developments have added to runoff. They include the Captain Albert Stevens School, a townhouse development on Cedar Street, the Volunteers of America senior housing complex on Congress Street, a new hospital complex on the west side of Northport Avenue, and expansions of the Tall Pines nursing home and Mid-Coast Mental Health facility, both adjacent to Seaview Terrace.
At the top of Seaview Terrace is a culvert, about 40 inches in diameter, which feeds the trench that flows past Allen’s house. A gravel bank prevents water from flowing farther south and instead diverts it east toward the bay. Allen wants that gravel bank removed.
“I’ve asked for the full history of Seaview Terrace and the flooding,” Allen said. She said she has been stonewalled by city officials, a charge Marshall denies.
Allen said she worked behind the scenes to help city officials find a practical solution to the problem before going public with her complaints, beginning at a council meeting in November.
Some of Allen’s neighbors have grown tired of her activism, though. Bud Hand spoke at a recent council meeting asking the city to dissuade Allen from posting signs on her property complaining about her water problem.
The city’s position, said Marshall, is: “That is an active stream behind her property and it is part of a major drainage basin” for the area. When each new development in the area was built, he said, measures were taken to meet state and local regulations to hold back water from major storms.
And finally, Marshall said, the city can’t fix problems on private property.
Allen believes a fix to the water woes would cost her at least $45,000.
“If you’re not getting services from your city, where do you turn?” she asked.
I sent this message that was seen on Sat. 7/18/2015 @ 10:45 am to the Facebook Belfast Area Chamber of Commerce "Saturday 10:43am
Since the Chamber of Commerce chose to slap me in the face by awarding City Manager Joe Slocum Citizen of the Year, has forced me into a Boycott protest and constant exposure of Belfast City Hall and player corruption- perhaps The Commerce should go fund me out of here- 250k takes all of 17 Seaview Perish. Or I continue exposure, I will never sell hell to another.
Ladies Of Principle
Chat Conversation End
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Sorry this is happening to you; I've reviewed your material and YouTube videos and it's apparent that the Town of Belfast appears to know they've done wrong; and unabated for years, it's reached the extent of malice in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteI agree; if the Town of Belfast wants to continue allowing and then adding even more deluge from newly created businesses and dumping the town's loads of snow to melt into the drainage ditch (it's important for people to know that's what it is - a ditch - and not a stream), then they should be installing the infrastructure to do so. If they don't want to build the drainage/sewer system, then the town should buy your property (and others' properties similarly affected in Seaview Terrace) at fair market value.
Seems what's occurred in Washington and Belfast - illegal actions, bullying tactics, and corruption also occur in the Town of Brunswick. One would hope these happenings are sporadic and not commonplace in the State of Maine. However, non-notification of meetings (we lost your mail...we forgot to notify you, etc.), blatant disregard of existing town ordinances, capricious enforcement of town ordinances and State law, providing disinformation, attempting to stop people from speaking at public comment times, and sending police to harass and threaten citizens sounds all too familiar. Police chiefs (namely Richard Rizzo in Brunswick) and officers carrying out the kinds of orders and requests (you've also written about) by town managers who supervise them is concerning, unethical, and illegal to say the least.
The Town of Brunswick appears no different from these postings. There's many examples. One example: during legal proceedings/processes with the Town of Brunswick concerning lack of licensing for the business openly in operation (with an illegal junkyard to boot) that same small business owner (Bernie Coombs) openly bribed attorneys during deposition proceedings saying he'd give anyone a great deal on new lawn equipment. Oddly, none of those attorneys blinked an eye; so, it makes one wonder how often this occurs.
Another example: bullying, (including placing signs on abutter's property - and a partially decayed cow's head on a vehicle next to the abutter's property), stealing by encroachment, by Coombs and the Town (including use of police who filed false reports and illegally entered a residence beyond doors containing locks and deadbolts to threaten the residents at home; criminal trespasses, and hate crimes) were regular and unrelenting occurrences.
(Continued, Part 2):
ReplyDeleteThe Town of Brunswick appears no different from these postings. There's many examples, but here's some: One example: during legal proceedings/processes with the Town of Brunswick concerning lack of licensing for the business openly in operation (with an illegal junkyard to boot) that same small business owner (Bernie Coombs) openly bribed attorneys during deposition proceedings saying he'd give anyone a great deal on new lawn equipment. Oddly, none of those attorneys blinked an eye; so, it makes one wonder how often this occurs.
Another example: bullying, (including placing signs on abutter's property - and a partially decayed cow's head on a vehicle next to the abutter's property), stealing by encroachment, by Coombs and the Town (including use of police who filed false reports and illegally entered a residence beyond doors containing locks and deadbolts to threaten the residents at home; criminal trespasses, and hate crimes) were regular and unrelenting occurrences.
The small business owner, Coombs, is connected to the Town by an ex brother-in-law for the Public Works Department (Mann, who lives on the same road); taxpayer's money and public equipment have been used (and we're told it's documented that this still occurs by Mann on his property) on private properties. Mann had public works clean up the junkyard, carrying out several loads with the town's trucks. Coombs' also had town's public works (via Mann) landscaping his private property and then attempted to have them plant shrubs and trees as well, claiming he'd asked the Town (Mann) to do this because physical exertion exacerbated his heart condition.
Interestingly, Billings was one of Coombs' attorneys at the time (however, not present during the deposition mentioned). Billings, therefore, was fully aware Coombs had an illegal, large junkyard, and other illegal actions by Coombs. That said, it seems, at least Judge Billings did right in regards to Traci Hoffman's case in Washington.
However, in cases where people have connections via businesses or a number of personal affiliations, including familial relations with town staff, attorneys, and/or State officials it becomes exceedingly more difficult to prevail. Unfortunately, you (like us) are "from away", and lack those small town connections which too many only purposefully maintain to use, and often appear too willingly to exploit. Not all in Maine are like this, thankfully. There are many good Mainers and we hope that you will meet them as well in Belfast and someone there will have the integrity and guts to help you and do what's right.